Taylor & Tyler - Maternity

I was so happy to meet Taylor & Tyler for their sweet maternity session. The weather and sunlight could not have been more perfect. I absolutely love sessions that run late because we are too busy chatting and having a fun time. I felt like I had known these two for years after we got done.
Sessions like these are why I love my job <3

Corinne - Lifestyle Maternity Session

Corinne is a familiar face around here. She has been in a few weddings I have photographed lately! When she reached out and wanted to do maternity photos I was DYING. I mean… just look at these two!
When she said she wanted to do a lifestyle session I died a little more.

Kayla & Patrick - Maternity

Kayla & Patrick are near and dear to my heart. They were one of my first weddings back in like 2015! I loved every minute of spending the last couple of years photographing their memories in Chicago. Especially this one! I haven’t meet their sweet girl yet. YET. I hope they come visit me since they moved away from Chicago.
It really warms my heart when I see past couples for their biggest life moments. Nothing is a bigger compliment than that.
Now mind you, this was back in April… - Im THAT behind in blogging. Its fine…

Jeff & Lizzy - Maternity

OH… Jeff & Lizzy… I was so happy to see these guys again. Its been a hot minute since I have seen these two, almost three. I was SO excited that these guys had me capture these memories for them. Their wedding last year was one of my favorites and my most memorable. Beach sessions have been my jam lately and this was just a cherry on top of the summer! <3

Smith Family - Maternity

Back in August… ? I think. I met this wonderful family! They. are. the. cutest! I mean look at those smiles!
I remember this night being SUPER hot, but the sun and the beautiful wildflowers were on POINT.
Coffee creek in Chesterton is my go to location this time of year. Can you blame me?

Lorissa & Ben - Maternity Session

I feel like this was the last session I had with the sun… I am already missing sessions and weddings SO much.
Lorissa & Ben are super close to having their sweet baby girl. I am hoping I get to meet her soon! <3

The sun in these images are a perfect reminder of possible sunset sessions to come. HOPEFULLY in the next month.
Back to this beautiful session. - I mean look at how these two… I cant wait to see them with their sweet girl.
The smoke bomb at the end of the session was the best. Amazing way to end it. <3

Liliya & Ryan - Maternity

Back in January I had a sweet sweet maternity session for some long time clients. It had been a few years since I have seen them. It was the greatest surprise ever when Liliya messaged me and said they were expecting. What a great day it was for their pictures. <3
I enjoyed catching up with them and talking about the new addition that was going to making her appearance.

Nic, Nicole, & Harper

Another one of my favorites! I am so excited for Harper to have a baby sister! Im sure she would have not accepted the idea of a brother. She is all into her soon to be sister. The last time I saw these three we were in downtown Valpo around Father's Day! I am so happy they stuck with me. I worked for every smile Miss Harper gave me. She is such a sweet heart. I cant wait to see her pose with her new sister!!

Tami & Joe

Oh Tami & Joe. I met these two beautiful people last year at their wedding, which I photographed! :) They are super special, and I love that they have stuck with me. Which is *why* I love being a wedding photographer. I form those special bonds with my bride and grooms. Its amazing.

I was so excited when Tami contacted me to tell me they were expecting! They drove all the way from Chicago for a maternity session. Upon arriving Tami tells me Joe forgot his shoes!! (Insert laughing, crying faces) He had on those slip on shoes!! Oh goodness. I laughed so hard. It was a very chill October day, for sure one of the colder days we had in October. It was very gloomy, but still so beautiful!
I cant wait to meet their little girl here soon!!

Krystal - Maternity

My first ever in home maternity session. It was pretty difficult, I'm not going to lie! Im so used to being outdoors. I have to say though, this is one of my most favorite sessions to date. The light, the contrast, the emotion! So many beautiful black and white images. <3

These three little girls sure gave me a run for my money, but I'm incredibly happy with how they wanted to take pictures with their mom!

Mom and dad have their hands full with the already three beautiful girls they have. This one is a boy! I know dad is happy!! I can't wait for their little bundle of joy to get here!