Corinne - Lifestyle Maternity Session

Corinne is a familiar face around here. She has been in a few weddings I have photographed lately! When she reached out and wanted to do maternity photos I was DYING. I mean… just look at these two!
When she said she wanted to do a lifestyle session I died a little more.

Kayla & Patrick - Maternity

Kayla & Patrick are near and dear to my heart. They were one of my first weddings back in like 2015! I loved every minute of spending the last couple of years photographing their memories in Chicago. Especially this one! I haven’t meet their sweet girl yet. YET. I hope they come visit me since they moved away from Chicago.
It really warms my heart when I see past couples for their biggest life moments. Nothing is a bigger compliment than that.
Now mind you, this was back in April… - Im THAT behind in blogging. Its fine…

Lorissa & Ben - Maternity Session

I feel like this was the last session I had with the sun… I am already missing sessions and weddings SO much.
Lorissa & Ben are super close to having their sweet baby girl. I am hoping I get to meet her soon! <3

The sun in these images are a perfect reminder of possible sunset sessions to come. HOPEFULLY in the next month.
Back to this beautiful session. - I mean look at how these two… I cant wait to see them with their sweet girl.
The smoke bomb at the end of the session was the best. Amazing way to end it. <3

Liliya & Ryan - Maternity

Back in January I had a sweet sweet maternity session for some long time clients. It had been a few years since I have seen them. It was the greatest surprise ever when Liliya messaged me and said they were expecting. What a great day it was for their pictures. <3
I enjoyed catching up with them and talking about the new addition that was going to making her appearance.

Nic, Nicole, & Harper

Another one of my favorites! I am so excited for Harper to have a baby sister! Im sure she would have not accepted the idea of a brother. She is all into her soon to be sister. The last time I saw these three we were in downtown Valpo around Father's Day! I am so happy they stuck with me. I worked for every smile Miss Harper gave me. She is such a sweet heart. I cant wait to see her pose with her new sister!!

Tami & Joe

Oh Tami & Joe. I met these two beautiful people last year at their wedding, which I photographed! :) They are super special, and I love that they have stuck with me. Which is *why* I love being a wedding photographer. I form those special bonds with my bride and grooms. Its amazing.

I was so excited when Tami contacted me to tell me they were expecting! They drove all the way from Chicago for a maternity session. Upon arriving Tami tells me Joe forgot his shoes!! (Insert laughing, crying faces) He had on those slip on shoes!! Oh goodness. I laughed so hard. It was a very chill October day, for sure one of the colder days we had in October. It was very gloomy, but still so beautiful!
I cant wait to meet their little girl here soon!!